
成立于1980年, Triton学院基金会是一个非营利性公司,旨在扩大Triton学院的校园和项目,以更好地为学生服务, communities within District 504, and alumni by raising and stewarding investments for the institution. Donations to the Foundation are used to develop new programs and services, fund financial aid and faculty, purchase new equipment and library books, and maintain and operate its facilities.

Over the past several years, public funding to community colleges like Triton, 已经显著减少. Now, the College must rely on support from donors like you to fulfill its mission. By making a donation to the Triton书院基金会, 你每天都在为学院所服务的人民和社区的未来投资. Join with us to ensure this important work continues. 在你的帮助下, Triton学院基金会将继续帮助学院实现其使命- Triton学院致力于通过卓越的制度和学术成就学生的成功, and providing a student-centered, lifelong learning environment for our diverse community.


a - 317房间
(708) 456-0300分机. 3758


基金会理事会制定政策来指导基金会的活动. 每位成员都为董事会带来了独特的技能和观点组合,帮助基金会实现其改善学院教育环境的使命.


  • Tom Olson, Foundation President, 澳门赌博平台
  • Richard F. Pellegrino, Foundation Vice President, West Central Municipal Conference
  • Bart 史密斯, Foundation Secretary, 史密斯 & 史密斯
  • Sean Sullivan, Foundation Treasurer, 澳门赌博平台


  • 兰迪·J. , R.J. Barnette & 的同事
  • Thomas Ned Benigno, Illinois Secretary of State
  • Al Biancalana, Leyden Township Assessor
  • 约翰F. Cadero小., 开普珊瑚城
  • Michael Castellan, Melrose Park
  • Archawee Dhamavasi, 澳门赌博平台
  • 科里L. Foster, ComEd - An Exelon Company
  • 牧师. 约翰F. Harrell, Proviso Missionary Baptist Church
  • 约翰·哈里斯,a5品牌 & 数字
  • Andrew Hock, 澳门赌博平台 校友 Association Council
  • 蒂芙尼C. 英格拉姆, Cannabis Business Association of Illinois
  • 大卫J. 大卫·金 & 的同事
  • Jennifer Koehler, Illinois Health and Hospital Association
  • Denisse Leon, Sinai Chicago
  • Dan Leonard, Margaritaville Hospitality
  • Michael Mazza, Chicago White Sox
  • Mary-Rita Moore, 澳门赌博平台
  • 路易斯·H. Rago, Rago Brothers Funeral 首页s
  • Colleen Rockafellow, 澳门赌博平台
  • 约翰F. Ruzic,退休酒店 & 餐厅主管
  • Denise 史密斯-Gaborit, 澳门赌博平台
  • R标志. 史蒂芬斯, 澳门赌博平台 Board of Trustees, Rosemont
  • 尊敬的卡特里娜·R. Thompson, Village of Broadview
  • Jonathan L. Zivojnovic, River Elm Properties


  • 尊敬的罗纳德·M. Serpico, Village of Melrose Park


  • 尊敬的Donald E. 史蒂芬斯



In addition to the Annual President's Reception and Golf Outing, 通过Triton学院基金会,你可以通过多种方式投资Triton学院.



捐赠 by Check or Money Order
Checks or Money Orders should be made out to "Triton书院基金会".

捐赠 by Credit/Debit Card
The 特里同基础 accepts all major credit/debit cards.

If your employer has a matching gift program, your donation to the Triton书院基金会 could be doubled. 请与你的人力资源部联系,看看这个项目是否适合你.

Donating Property or In-Kind Gifts
Many of our programs at 澳门赌博平台 have had the benefit of donated equipment, 资料及书籍. If you have an item you would like to donate for College use, please contact the Foundation office at (708) 456-0300分机. 3758. 我们将与相应的学院院长或行政人员合作,为您的礼物找到合适的“家”.

If you have a more collectible item, such as artwork or other collections that you would like to donate, 我们将与您合作,为您的所得税目的建立礼物的公平市场价值, if you don't already have an appraisal.

Triton学院基金会也将接受捐赠证券(股票)的礼物-一旦转移到基金会,您就可以根据证券的公平市场价值获得所得税减免. Please call the Foundation office for more information.

Other Naming Opportunities

  • 只要花125美元,你就可以买到一块刻有你名字的定制信息的砖, 你最喜欢的一句话, or to memorialize a loved one. Larger paver stones are $275.
  • Sponsored seating in either the Auditorium or Cernan 航天中心 is $150 per seat.
  • Other items available for sponsorship include beautifully-landscaped trees, bushes and garden benches located throughout our campus that range from $1,000 to $2,500; offices and classrooms from $5,000 to $25,000; and, 大实验室, 演讲大厅, streets and buildings from $50,000及以上.



Triton学院基金会为即将入学的学生和目前就读Triton学院的学生提供一些奖学金. Scholarship awards range from $150 to $1,500 per semester for tuition, 书籍和费用, and are available for several areas of study, 包括汽车, 热情好客, 音乐, 护理/相关健康, as well as for students who live in specific geographic areas, 有一定的年龄吗, graduate from the ESL Program, or are returning to college for a new career.

Find Scholarship Opportunities

Triton书院基金会 HERO Scholarship

Triton基金会推出了新的英雄奖学金,所有勇敢的护士都可以获得, 医生, 在第一时间作出回应, and members of their family, 还有杂货店的店员和其他在重要岗位上的前线工作的人,他们继续无私地为我们社区内许多人的福祉提供服务.
   优先考虑参加Triton的医疗保健/公共服务项目, 但不限于, 领取奖项.
   另外, 基金会一直受到祝福,我们非常感谢慷慨的捐赠者/奖学金管理人员对我们的大力支持, 是谁全心全意地支持我们的努力,齐心协力从他们的个人奖学金账户中拿出100多美元,让我们开始接受这项新计划的申请,000 in the fund – and more to come.
   Triton书院基金会 HERO奖学金的资格详情如下:
The Triton书院基金会 HERO Scholarship
HERO奖学金适用于目前和未来居住在学区内外的学生,先到先得, first-served basis with preference given to in-district students.
• Eligible students must be:
     – An essential worker residing in or out of district and employed full- or part-time in one of the following industries: health care/public health/human services; law enforcement/fire protection and public safety/first responder; grocery store/restaurant/food; chemical; commercial facilities; communications/information technology; construction-related activities; critical manufacturing; energy; financial services; agriculture; government operations and other community-based essential functions; hazardous materials; hygiene products and services; public works and infrastructure support services; residential/shelter facilities and services; transportation and logistics; and water/wastewater.
     – A spouse or child of an essential worker.
     -在经济困难时期,因失业而收入受损的地区居民(3月16日), 2020 -现在).
• Enrollment in one of Triton’s health care/public service programs is preferred, 但不限于, 领取奖项.
• Scholarship must be used to cover tuition costs, technology needs for remote learning, access to reliable Wi-Fi and books, 等.

如需申请,请下载 澳门赌博平台 HERO Scholarship application

and follow the instructions as indicated.

Triton书院基金会 HERO Scholarship Support

So many of you have asked how you can help. 如果您有兴趣立即为这项事业捐款,请访问我们的捐赠页面 http://3sd.interlec23.com/about/triton-foundation/foundation-pledge/. 你非常需要的支持会让别人脸上露出灿烂的笑容,因为他们知道你很感激, helping hand was there for them.
If you have any questions, please call the Triton书院基金会 Office at
(708) 456-0300分机. 3758,或发电子邮件至 tcfoundation@海卫一.edu.




28th Annual Triton书院基金会 President's Reception Reservation Packet



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